Ezra Mannix

Ezra Mannix
Ezra Mannix
Ezra Mannix is a freelance writer, editor, and comms utility player -- a baseball-y way of saying "generalist" -- with more than 6 years of non-profit communications experience. He has strategized and managed blogs, website content and navigation, and social media outreach (paid and organic). But his true love is writing. That's what brings him here!

In addition to his editorial work, Ezra brings passion for geography, meteorology, international relations, and Turkey, a country where he lived for more than 7 years. When he's not writing his novel or supporting his clients with their projects, you'll find Ezra on a playground with his three-year-old daughter, Sophie, or exploring trails in the DC area with his labrador mix, Carlo.
Niche (industry)
Non-profit, international development
Types of Writing
Blog posts (listicle, commentary, call to action), social media
Writing Experience
I was first published as a professional writer in 2004 when I was a stringer for my local newspaper.
Notable Clients
My words can be found on the Center for Financial Inclusion blog, OxPol (Oxford University's politics blog), and the Journal of Middle Eastern Politics & Policy (Harvard).
Starting Writing Rates
12-20 cents per word (depending on complexity) or $35 per hour
1-781-827-9218 or ezra.mannix@gmail.com


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